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eCert – eCertification Platform

eLot API Validations


Download the TUR eLot API Validations PDF


Download the TUM eLot API Validations

Introduction   #

The table below lists the validations that the Tracking Units must go through when submitted to the eLot API. 

1  eLot: Tracking Units Exists  TUR  No tracking units posted  Packhouse verification failed: No Tracking Units posted! 
2  eLot: Duplicate Tracking Units  TUR  Duplicate tracking units in one request to the TUR  Packhouse verification failed: Duplicate Tracking Units! 
3  eLot: Existing Tracking Units  TUR  eLot IsUpdate=false and tracking units exist in DB  Tracking Unit(s) ‘…………………………………’ already exist(s) 
4  eLot: Update non-existent Tracking Units  TUR  eLot IsUpdate=true and tracking units do not exist  Tracking Unit(s) ‘…………………………………’  do(es) not exist 
5  eLot: Agreement Code  TUR  Null agreement Code submitted  Agreement Code cannot be null or empty 
6  eLot: Agreement Code Validity  TUR  Invalid agreement code  Invalid Agreement Code 
7  eLot: BusinessID  TUR  Null Business ID submitted  BusinessID cannot be null 
8  eLot: Empty Tracking Unit ID  TUR  eLot submitted with an empty/null Tracking Unit ID  TrackingUnitID cannot be null or empty 
9  eLot: Tracking Unit ID Length  TUR  Tracking Unit ID more than 18 characters  The TrackingUnitID ‘…………………………………………………’ cannot be more than 18 characters 
10  eLot: Tracking Unit ID Length  TUR  Tracking Unit ID less than 18 characters  The TrackingUnitID ‘…………………………………………………’ cannot be less than 18 characters 
11  eLot: Tracking Unit Detail Commodity Code  TUR  Invalid commodity code submitted  Invalid Commodity Code ‘….’. Please check standards 
12  eLot: Tracking Unit Detail Package Type  TUR  Invalid package type submitted  Invalid Package Type ‘….’. Please check standards 


eLot Validation Checks for Table Grapes & Citrus Non-EU   #

1   eLot: Commodity   PhytClean   Invalid commodity does not exist in PhytClean   Commodity not valid  
2   eLot: Operator Code    PhytClean   Invalid operator code submitted   FBO not recognized – No application for this market  
3   eLot: Operator Code   PhytClean   Orchard not linked to FBO   Origin Location Not Linked To Operator Code  
4   eLot: Operator Code   PhytClean   PUC/Orchard registration is not going to the market   Origin Location ‘……’ (Operator Code ‘…..’) not permitted for intended market  
  • The table above shows the validation checks done on an eLot submission for Table Grapes or Citrus Non-EU.   


eLot Validation Checks for Citrus EU   #

1   FBO/Orchard Combination   PhytClean   FBO/Orchard Combination does not exist   See PhytoData Results  
2   EU Orchard Status  
a. Orchard Applied  
b. Orchard Verified  
c. Orchard Inspected 
d. Symptom Test 
e. CBS Listing 
f. BD Status 
g. FMS Status  
h. FFMS Status      
PhytClean   False   See PhytoData Results  

The table above shows the validation checks done on an eLot submission for the Citrus EU market.  

For the submitted FBO and Orchard combination the EU Orchard Status is checked, if the status is false the rejection reason “See PhytoData Results” is returned otherwise the eLot is passed returning the PhytoData result.  

The EU Orchard Status iscalculated by checking the combination of statuses a to h as shown in the table above.  

Citrus EU Example: EU Orchard Status = TRUE  

The table below shows an example of a Citrus EU FBO and Orchard combination that has positive statuses for all conditions and as a result, gets an EU Orchard Status of TRUE.  

Data Field   VALUE
FBO Code   T54321  
Orchard   35  
Cultivar   AOSHIMA  
CBS Status   TRUE  
EU Orchard Applied   TRUE  
EU Orchard Verified   APPROVED  
BD Removal Permit   TRUE  
Symptoms Expression Test   N/A  
Orchard Inspection   TRUE  
CBS Listing   NO LISTING  
Original FMS Orchard Status   B4  
Current FMS Orchard Status   B4  
FFMS Orch Status   FY  
EU Orchard Status   TRUE  
PhytoData   EUB4B4FY  

Citrus EU Example: EU Orchard Status = FALSE  

The table below shows an example of a Citrus EU FBO and Orchard combination that has some positive statuses and some negative status and yields an EU Orchard Status of FALSE.  

Data Field VALUE
FBO Code   T54321  
Orchard   34  
Cultivar   AMBERSWEET  
CBS Status   TRUE  
EU Orchard Applied   TRUE  
EU Orchard Verified   APPROVED  
BD Removal Permit   TRUE  
Symptoms Expression Test   N/A  
Orchard Inspection   DUE  
Original FMS Orchard Status   CC  
Current FMS Orchard Status   CC  
FFMS Orch Status   NP  
EU Orchard Status   FALSE  
PhytoData   EUCCCCNP  


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