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Orchard Definition


EDI Standard : Orchard Definition  
Standard Revision : 1  
Date of Revision : 2016-10-18  

Description of Standard  #

This standard defines how orchard should be named for official purposes within the fruit industry.  

Additional Information  #

The purpose of this standard is to create uniformity in the manner in which orchards are identified for the purpose of electronically communicating information between commercial and official (PPECB and DAFF) systems, and will be used for electronic export and phytosanitary certification.  

The standard has been created taking into account the current and most common ways that orchards are being named within the fruit industries, thus minimizing the need for any changes as much as possible.  

This standard applies for the purpose of phytosanitary certification. In other words, only for purposes of meeting the requirements for phytosanitary export certification will it be necessary to apply this standard. 

The Standard  #

The following conventions apply for naming fruit orchards in South Africa: 

  1. Orchard means a specific piece of ground on the face of the earth – i.e. it is distinctive and will be geo-fenced. Orchards cannot overlap on a piece of ground. 
  1. Orchards must be unique per Food Business Operator (FBO) (see special cases below). 
  1. Orchard names must be up to a maximum of six characters.  
  1. There must be no spaces between the characters. 
  1. Only A-Z and 0-9 characters are permitted in orchard naming and always in capital letters. Symbols and characters such as -, ; , +, /, \, &,*, #, etc. will not be permitted. 
  1. Specials Cases: Multiple cultivars per orchard 

If there is more than one cultivar grown in the orchard ONLY THEN can the orchard NAME (not a duplication of the orchard itself) be duplicated. In such cases the cultivars grown in those orchards will be used in combination with the orchard to have unique records in the databases.

Cultivars must be indicated using the three-digit code for identifying cultivars (See ESAFI VARIETY STANDARDS). Thus the orchard name plus the three-digit cultivar code will be a unique combination. Compliance to the requirements for phytosanitary certification will be run at both the orchard and the orchard plus cultivar levels. 

Examples  #

The following examples are acceptable for orchard names per PUC: 

Assuming there is one cultivar in the orchard: 

  • A1  
  • ABC123 

Assuming there is more than one cultivar in the orchard: 

  • A1, BHA   – Where “A1” is the orchard and “BHA” is the cultivar code.  
  • A1, CBM   – Where “A1” is the orchard and “CBM” is the cultivar code. “BHA” and “CBM” are reported the “Multiple cultivar” column. 
  • A2, BHA – Where “A2” is the orchard and “BHA” is the cultivar code. 
  • A2, CBM – Where “A2” is the orchard and “CBM” is the cultivar code. 
  • A2, CKL – Where “A2” is the orchard and “CKL” is the cultivar code.  
  • “BHA”, “CBM” and “CKL” are reported the “Multiple cultivar” column. 

The following examples are NOT permitted (reasons provided in brackets) per PUC: 

Assuming there is one cultivar in the orchard: 

  • a1 – Not in capital letters 
  • A 1 – There is a space between “A” and “1”  
  • A-1 – No symbols are permitted such as “ – “ 
  • ABC1234 – The name is longer than six characters
  • A1 
  • A1  – Duplication of “A1” per PUC 

Assuming there is more than one cultivar in the orchard: 

  • A1, BHA   – Where “A1” is the orchard and “BHA” is the cultivar code. 
  • A1, BHA   – Where “A1” is the orchard and “BHA” is the cultivar code. “BHA” and “BHA” are reported the “Multiple cultivar” column. (Duplication of the PUC and Cultivar Code combination)